Related answers:
Is zain malik a christian or a muslim?
Is zain malik a muslim?
Is zain malik father a muslim?
No. Zain Malik took after his mums christianity even though his dad is a muslim. Zain said he missed out on going to church on sundays and he wears christian jewellry.
Is zain maliks mum english muslim?
yeah , zayn malik is mixed raced , his mother is english and his father is a pakistani . but his mum converted into islam , so basically he is a muslim . =)
Is zain malik of x factor Muslim?
Zayn* is a muslim, hes said it himself, his dad is a muslim and his mum has converted to it too.
Does zain malik belong to a religion?
yes he is a proud muslim
Is zain malik from bradford?
yes he does
Where is Zain Malik from?
Helsinki, Finland
Is zain malik a muslim?
Does zain malik have a girlfriend?
Yes, Geneva Lane From Belle Amie, shes gorgeous and really nice to her fans : )

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